special care

Sit back and relax! Travel should be worry-free. That’s why we’re here to help at every step. We accommodate travelers with all kinds of special needs, from kids traveling alone to people traveling with wheelchairs. Whatever your needs might be, we’ll make your travel comfortable and easy.

Reduced Mobility

Passengers with reduced mobility

General Information

Passengers with reduced mobility are those with a medical or neurodevelopmental disabilities who require individual attention, not given to passengers normally during (dis)embarkation, during the flight, during ground handling and/or in case of an emergency evacuation.

Passengers with reduced mobility travelling alone

    • Passengers may travel alone on our flights provided they are self supporting on board and can assist in their own evacuation should the need arise.
    • Self supporting means that:
      • Passenger can be able to eat unassisted.
      • Passenger can administer his/her medication unassisted.
    • If necessary, the passenger can visit the lavatory unassisted. Help from the crew is limited to bringing the onboard wheelchair to the passenger and pushing it to and from the lavatory door. Therefore the passenger shall be required to lift him/herself -using the upper body power – in and out of the onboard wheelchair unassisted.
      • If the passenger is not self supporting, he/she must travel with a companion(i.e. personal care attendant) who is able to perform these functions.

Passengers with reduced mobility travelling as a group

  1. Groups of 5 or more passengers shall be handled in a manner conforming with the normal group handling procedures, except that advance arrangements shall be made to provide additional ground equipment and assistance staff necessary.
  2. Able bodied attendants provided by such groups shall accompany groups of passengers with reduced mobility.
  3. In general, persons under 18 years of age shall not be accepted as attendants.
  4. The number of attendants required depends on whether the passengers with reduced mobility are able to reach the exits of the aircraft without assistance in case of an emergency.
  5. The escort personnel shall be briefed and provided with adequate information of the actions required in the event of an in-flight emergency situation.