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Document to download
Before any departure abroad, it is up to the passengers to check, with the competent authorities (embassy or consultancy of the country of destination), that they are in compliance with the customs, health and administrative obligations of the country of destination in which they must stay.
Indeed, depending on the country you are going to, the entry and stay formalities differ. The same applies to the nature and date of validity of the identity documents to be provided.
You must also have the necessary administrative and customs documents for leaving Senegal and entering the country of destination to which you are going.
Ivory Coast
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Declaration of displacement
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Request for entry authorization
Guinea Conakry
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Application for authorization to enter the Republic of Guinea
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Declaration on honor in the event of failure to perform a PCR test
Formulaire de localisation de passager pour la santé publique
Formulaire de localisation de passager pour la santé publique
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Cape Verde
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Ivory Coast
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Declaration of displacement
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Nationalities exempt from visa: Algeria, Ivory Coast, Gambia, Libya, Mali, Niger, Senegal, Syria, Tunisia.
Everything you need to know about check-in at the airport
You are invited to present yourself at the check-in counter 3 hours before the departure time of your intercontinental flight: check-in will be closed at least 1 hour 30 minutes before departure for intercontinental flights.
You are invited to present yourself at the check-in counter at least 2 hours before departure for all regional and domestic flights, check-in will be closed 1 hour before departure.
IMPORTANT: in order to guarantee the punctuality of flights, no passenger will be accepted at check-in within the time limits mentioned
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